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Training and Education – Commercial Cleaning Services & Building Maintenance | NJ & NY

Training and Education

RARITAN BUILDING SERVICES, CORP. is committed to ensuring equal employment opportunity. There shall be no discrimination against any employee by reason of race, creed, color, age, disability, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, or any characteristic protected by law.

Our policies apply to all employment practices including recruitment, hiring, promotion, rates of pay or other forms of compensation. Equal employment opportunity is the right of all persons to work and to advance on the basis of merit. Sexual harassment and all other inappropriate verbal or physical conduct, whether it be explicitly or implicitly, will not be tolerated when it negatively impacts an individual's work performance, fosters a hostile work environment or is used as a condition by which an individual's employment is based.

Employee Incentive Program

Raritan Building Services Corp. is pleased to offer an incentive program that recognizes and rewards its employees for exceptional service and performance, improves motivation levels and inspires better employee performance. A great company culture is a critical component in our success and is a way to build a culture of pride at our company. Our goal is to attract and retain excellent personnel.

When employees are happy, they are more likely to identify with company values and goals. They take pride in their work, knowing they are a direct reflection of Raritan Building Services Corp. Recipients of an award are given an attractive certificate, company recognition and, in some cases, monetary compensation. This is our way of showing our employees we care about and appreciate them.

Health & Wellness Employee Program

Raritan Building Services Corp. is pleased to offer a Health & Wellness program to our employees. We wanted to create a healthy culture at work. This program not only improves our employees' health but also improves the work environment so it is easier for employees to adopt and maintain a healthy behavior.

Yoga is great for the workplace. Employees participate with much enthusiasm knowing that we care about their health and it is the best way to release stress.

Why Clients Work With Us


Years in Business


Million Sq Ft Serviced Nightly




States Served

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Green Technology

What Our Clients Are Saying

  • We are very satisfied with how clean our office is. We have never had such a positive cleaning team around the office, especially with our previous office cleaners.